Welcome back to yet another out of time and outta sync episode of the Geekishly Toku Podcast. Shawn has been busy having exactly zero free time and that's why we are here now. Jon and Shawn dive head first into news especially about shoe outrage, followed by a DCTV recap of sorts, minus a certain emerald colored projectile, before Shawn falls into the void (again). He's not the luckiest of fellows. Over on the Toku section more news is covered and we learn the importance of Robots not having too many human-like emotions or love of Basketball as well as round up the three current Toku series. It's a fun and exciting journey filled with goofiness, tangents, and random noises you'll hear this week! Now wish Shawn well on his finals in this coming week because he's a bit too stressed out about it. Until next time!
Jon: @FuuMixALot
Shawn: @SnarkyShawn
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Blog: http://geektokupod.blogspot.com/